Sunday 19 August 2012

The Phony "Save Kirklees Priory" Fanpage Has Been Taken Down by Facebook(tm).

The phony "Save Kirklees Priory" page has been removed from Facebook(tm) - and it's not hard to see why.  After all, they've been sending hatemail to every real person who posts on the page.
Many "sites" are driven entirely by "bots" (software posters), and will do everything they can to keep the general public away from their pages.

Here are a few examples of their messages - We have many more.  They sign themselves "Kirklees Priory" but of course they have nothing whatever to do with the priory owners, or any organisation remotely connected with the site.
From: Kirklees Priory
We have been to the police this morning regarding the online harrassment and defamatory comments posted on the group. As they are still there the police are going to take the matter further. Serves you all right for the lies and selfishness
Forgot to mention, on Saturday we spoke to a manager at Nottingham City Council who confirmed their interest in prosecuting any such comments. The messages about the Council making death threats have been forwarded to them, with the group facebook address where more comments are written. Not very professional of you and I'll leave you to the council to deal with now.
Evidence of death-threats here.

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:20 AM
To: barbara green
PS Catherine seems to have got the wrong idea altogether, whats sad is that people can hear things from the horses mouth and judge why and then spread rubbish about someone who can't represent herself. Bunch of fools, you couldnt analyse source material to determine anything acurately, Margarette had no interest in the occult, she permitted things for her own reasons, just as she denied them. Thats not to be assessed by the likes you local disrespectful.. nothing to do with you at all

From: Kirklees Priory
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 8:17 PM
To: barbara green
Subject: Re:
I have no desire to silence anyone, cultivate the ground and hey, a bunch of thugs sproud and shout, very flattering.. infact if you remember... not that you're any good at knowing whats fact, legend, or even the motive of decisions and posts,. it was your group that freaked out of the priory page, i hadnt even thought about you, it was only your reaction that got a reaction and even now im still replying... when you troll a likers website, thats when it becomes a fucking legal matter you sad awful scroates
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 6:55 AM, barbara green <> wrote:

  People do not ignore me, I am always going out doing Yorkshire Robin Hood Talks, indeed I have one today,and have been doing them for many years . I have a power point presentation and there is interest and dismay at what has happened to the sites over the years. I am not so foolish as to make an criticism of the way things have been run and ended up, I just say what is the situation—what do you expect me to say, I tell people to ring Hebden Bridge for the walks and guess what, even school kids have been denied a visit, only recently, and a German woman who enquired, and many more—a German lady asked me to take her up only recently but I declined , and am a “poor old lady” myself these days, getting bullied . I have had your kind of generalised   nasty claptrap for many years, and it is fairly typical of what to expect, I know where you are coming from. If the group ask me today what is happening I will tell them about your group and what you have accused the YRS. of, and also the joke is that you are only following in our footsteps—if you had been doing this on the 1980s or 1990s  as the YRHS  was Lady A would have told you to push off and not interfere with her privacy, just as she did the YRHS—unless you have got well in by another route.  What do you call the disgusting posts you put up about me, my career, my book , that I can’t research properly etc etc---at least I did not my facts wrong like you did, saying Sherwood Forest was in Yorkshire and Elizabeth de Staynton the prioress who murdered Robin—that lady is unable to defend herself, so I do it and tell evreyone it was not likely to be her because the dates are too late for any Robin Hood  candidate .   You seem very worried about something! Your over reaction and determination to silence the YRHS is very telling!

  From: Kirklees Priory
  Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 1:00 AM
  To: barbara green
  Having just seen the poisonous comments on the groups wall, I don't think I need say anything more in communication with any of you. So much for your 30 years worth of supporting this cause.. its not your cause, its not our cause... but I can see why people ignore your thuggery
From: Kirklees Priory
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 7:56 PM
To: barbara green
Subject: Re: Elizabeth de Stainton
Did it cost to set up some of those domain names? Thanks for the publicity. Have you all got time for this nonesense, what ought you to be doing? Why am I such a threat that takes up all your time and poison? Enjoy your life do you, a real point to it isnt there? No more emails now, behave

And these were sent from their gmail account, which has now also been banned:
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Kirklees Priory <> wrote:
  I don't care what you think, there are things you are wrong about, I didn't write whats gone down in legend, its not factual. You don't listen. You also assume a lot of crap about Margarette, now shes dead its voiced, remember getting a solicitors letter to stop publically encouraging people to enter her land WITHOUT permission. Thats an example of how your group practices so I'm not interested.
  It was actually your group who assumed nasty things and began making comments, after links were removed, because links were attached to every comment, all uninvited, would you like that? Then reporting for no reason. Then the folling, I've saved photographed comments containing defamation against facebook and Nottingham City Council. Not to mention saving comments inciding violence with members friends and encourging false reports. Should I send them to facebook? Nottingham and the Police for Crimminal Charges? Do you know the threats from Catherine count towards Harrassment? As it stands I told the police I'll take it further if it continues or if Nottingham City do, which I know nothing about.
  Whats your problem? You started this and yes quoting you as a retired local midwife is true isnt it? Maybe have a re read of your books, or perhaps study history academically rather than a disagreeable amatuer who likes to critise peoples story pages that actually do more to attract people, genuine people, than your 30 years of annoying everyone

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 6:20 AM, barbara green <> wrote:
    Yes I did meet  her, I was Sir John’s district nurse and she used to ring me up to help out in my own time which I gave up willingly .The YRHS treated her with  all due respect for 5 years following Sir John’s demise, but she had no time at all for our group, which had nothing to do with the occult, only history. These are the simple facts.  The group was driven to take the course of action by going to see the grave in the traditional Brighouse way because of this. I always told people to ask permission if they asked me how to see the grave, it was the inconstancy and unfairness   of allowing some people up there, like Americans and professors, that was annoying. Calderdale Council would not publish my book for 5 years because of feat offending her when it was a simple history book, which Kirklees Heritage was proud to publish. Her friend and defender David Hepworth published the facts about psychics and ley lines, is he a liar then?
    From: Kirklees Priory
    Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 12:30 AM
    To: barbara green
    Subject: Re: Elizabeth de Stainton
    Your group decided to waste their time, and others, with this. Childish is reading whats on your wall, compare them, its going to put people off because who wants to be part of that? Most of whats been said is taken from quotes about you from what people say and from reading the group wall it pretty much adds to the impression, but I have seen a BBC page feature you. Sorry not to disclose names to your group, thats just to protect anyone from abuse, before there would be no problem. Also some of the Likers who saw the posts in your group page have reported the page and impersonating copied arguments adding things which arn't true. This isn't helpful at all. Also, I can't believe what people think about Margarette, including Hartshead church? Did you ever speak to her yourself? I'm told she disliked your society but she never mentioned it to me. Anyway this page is AGAIN, just trying to get support together without being represented by seperate groups, hence 'association' because its a shared interest and the page is designed to support officials and bodies to take resposibily.

    On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 10:06 PM, barbara green <> wrote:

      Dear ?????

      I am sorry you don’t feel able to state your name but no matter. I think what has  been written about the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society has been very wrong,malicious and negative and many of the things completely out of order. I am sorry if you feel Lady Armytage has been misrepresented, but I was only putting the facts before you, in the instance of the occult connections, they were not the doing of the YRHS, in fact we did our best to try and get the site blessed by priests from the Anglican and Roman Catholic church and they   w ere refused in no uncertain  terms.We have all the documentation and letters, including one from from the Bishop of Wakefield himself.  This is how it was, it is not misreprentation  at all. It is you who are being childish, you dare not even give your name, but its not worth my time to explain the other things we have been accused of, insulting my book for starters, saying its twisted, and what was ever wrong with being a nurse and midwife. It seems utterly pointless also putting misinformed history on line,

      Barbara Green YRHS  AND pp Catherine Fearnley
      From: Kirklees Priory
      Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:55 PM
      To: barbara green
      Subject: Re: Elizabeth de Stainton
      Thank you Barbara,
      Its a shame that Elizabeth got the blame and she comes much later, but thats just how the story goes I suppose. I noticed the Sherwood Forest comments, officially it was a Royal Forest based only in Nottinghamshire however there was the trend in legend to refer to the whole region under that one name but since an issue has been raised it helps to know what people think. The page invited some aspects of the legend into it rather than an absolute blunt account of what is historically plausible, but thats why it mentions Prof Holt's book in case anyone wants answers. Apart from two Robin Hood groups the support is very positive because it just calls to mind this issue, strange because you'd think thats where the main support would be shared. I couldn't write to you with the facebook settings. I explained why posting links advertising yourselves and the 30 years you've been supporting this, shouldn't be posted because the page was just there for reference in any appeal to officials, a page that is neutral. It has to remain neutral because there are good and bad comments and features going back and forth and it just gets peoples backs up about the whole matter at hand and its about getting as much support as possible without getting involved in point-scoring and taking sides between societies or counties. Surely you can appreciate that the page was there because there wasn't one, because it will help with public support of the site, not any individual society. If this message is going to be twisted like the pagebook pages and comments I've seen, well you should all consider careers in acting. I resent the comments regarding Margarette which are very wrong and a total misunderstanding, but this page isn't against you, doesn't really have anything to do with you and I know people who have done it for longer than 30 years but by themselves. Reporting the page is quite pathetic and I don't think its nice what has been said. I have contacted the police and nottingham council because I'm tired of the accusations and I don't understand the motive for them its upto them if they make issue of it, its not worth my time. The way your society have gone about it is quite childish and thats how it looks too so I'm glad the page is seperate from all that rubbish
      On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 5:24 PM, barbara green <> wrote:

        The prioress who murdered Robin Hood was not Elizabeth de Stainton—the dates are wrong, whichever Robin Hood theory you endorse. She was prioress in the late 1300s, which is far too late for any of the theories, This is twisting history.

        The Yorkshire Robin Hood Society.

Sounds like a spoiled kid who can't get his own way.
We can see who's behind this page from their ridiculous blog-post here, claiming that the site has "gone viral" because it has a few hundred "likes" - you can buy "likes" at and a spotty geek will run a piece of software for 10 minutes; OR you can wait for people who really DO like the page to click on the button, giving you vital metrics for your SEO campaign (which is what we do here).
One favorite tactic of "bot-driven" sites is to rely entirely on "bot" posts, and alienate anyone who is a real visitor; this is done through posts from many accounts that are designed to make the person feel as though the group is against them.  Of course, if the visitor has experience with using the world-wide-web, they will spot straight away that all these posts are by the same person!  The technique only works on "noobs" and is childish to say the least;  it will usually turn out that the author has something to hide - perhaps they murdered the real owner to steal their fanpage, and are frantically turning visitors away because they don't know how to run the page.
Sounds farfetched, but stranger things have happened...

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